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Al-Waleed International

Cassia Fistula Pods

Cassia Fistula Pods

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Cassia fistula, commonly known as the golden shower tree or Indian laburnum, is a flowering tree native to South Asia and is also the national tree of Thailand. Its pods, seeds, and other parts have been used for various purposes, including traditional medicine and ornamental purposes. Here are some conscious descriptions, uses, and benefits of Cassia fistula pods:

  • Appearance: Cassia fistula pods are long, cylindrical, and somewhat flattened, resembling large bean pods. They can grow up to 60-90 centimeters (about 2-3 feet) in length and are typically dark brown to black when mature.
  • Texture: The pods have a smooth and somewhat leathery texture when dried, with a slightly glossy surface.
  • Seeds: Inside the pods, you'll find numerous small, flat, and oval seeds.

- Non-GMO
- ISO 9001; 2015 HACCP


Traditional Medicine: Various parts of Cassia fistula, including the pods, seeds, and leaves, have been used in traditional medicine systems in South Asia. They are believed to have laxative, purgative, and anti-inflammatory properties. The pulp from the pods is sometimes used to make herbal remedies for constipation and digestive issues.

Ornamental Purposes: Cassia fistula is renowned for its stunning clusters of yellow flowers that hang like beautiful pendulous bunches. The tree is often planted for its aesthetic value in gardens, parks, and along roadsides.

Woodwork: The wood of the Cassia fistula tree is known for being durable and is used for making furniture and other wooden products.

Dyeing: In some cultures, the pods have been used to make natural dyes for textiles and fabrics.


Medicinal Uses: Cassia fistula pods and other parts of the tree have been used traditionally to treat various health conditions, including constipation, indigestion, and skin disorders. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using any plant-based remedies, as improper use can have adverse effects.

Ornamental Beauty: The golden shower tree is famous for its vibrant yellow flowers, making it a popular ornamental tree. It adds beauty and aesthetic appeal to landscapes.

Sustainable Wood: The wood of Cassia fistula is prized for its durability, making it a valuable resource for construction and woodworking.

Natural Dye: The pods can be used to create natural dyes for textiles and crafts, offering an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic dyes.

Note: It's important to note that while Cassia fistula has been used traditionally for various purposes, its medicinal use should be approached with caution and under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Additionally, conservation efforts are crucial to protect this tree species, as it is an important part of many ecosystems and plays a role in biodiversity conservation.

Storage instruction: Store Cassia Fistula pods in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight, to preserve their quality.

Health Precautions/Disclaimer:

We do not intend to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or ailments.

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