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Al-Waleed International

Fenugreek Seeds (Semen Trigonella Foenu-Graecum)

Fenugreek Seeds (Semen Trigonella Foenu-Graecum)

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Scientific Name: Trigonella faenum grecumum.

Common Names: Fenugreek, Methi Dana.

Origin: Pakistan

Description: Fenugreek seeds are small, roughly rectangular-shaped seeds, approximately 3-5 millimeters in length. They have a smooth, glossy surface and are typically a pale yellow to amber-brown in color. These seeds have a rich history of use in both culinary and medicinal traditions, dating back thousands of years.

- Non-GMO
- ISO 9001; 2015 HACCP

Culinary Uses

Spice: Fenugreek seeds are a popular spice in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. They add a slightly bitter, nutty flavor to dishes.

Seasoning: Ground fenugreek seeds are often used as a seasoning in spice blends, curry powders, and pickles.

Flavoring: Fenugreek seeds can be used to flavor bread, pastries, and various dishes, such as lentil and vegetable curries.

Sprouts: Fenugreek seeds can be sprouted and used in salads or sandwiches for a fresh, slightly bitter taste.

Health Benefits:

Digestive Health: Fenugreek seeds contain soluble fiber, which can help promote digestive health, relieve constipation, and reduce the risk of digestive disorders.

Blood Sugar Control: Some studies suggest that fenugreek may help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes due to its hypoglycemic properties.

Cholesterol Management: Fenugreek seeds may help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, thus supporting heart health.

Breast Milk Production: Fenugreek is believed to boost milk production in nursing mothers when consumed as a supplement or herbal tea.

Weight Management: The fiber in fenugreek seeds can contribute to feelings of fullness, potentially aiding in weight management.

Anti-Inflammatory: Fenugreek has anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate symptoms of conditions like arthritis.

Traditional Medicine:

Fenugreek has been used in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat various ailments, including respiratory issues, fever, and skin conditions.

Hair and Skin Care:
Fenugreek can be used as a hair mask or oil to promote hair growth, strengthen hair, and reduce dandruff.

It is also used in skincare products for its potential anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Herbal Remedies:
Fenugreek seeds are often used in herbal remedies and supplements, such as fenugreek capsules or teas, to address specific health concerns.

Fenugreek essential oil is used in aromatherapy for its aromatic and potentially therapeutic properties, such as stress reduction and relaxation.

Culinary Applications: Fenugreek leaves (known as "methi" in Indian cuisine) are used as a leafy green in various dishes, adding a unique flavor to curries, stews, and sautéed vegetables.

Note: It's important to note that while fenugreek seeds offer various benefits, they should be consumed in moderation, especially if used for medicinal purposes. Excessive consumption may lead to side effects in some individuals. If you have specific health concerns or are considering using fenugreek for medicinal purposes, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.

Storage Instruction: Store fenugreek seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to maintain freshness and flavor.

Health Precautions/Disclaimer:

We do not intend to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or ailments.

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